Cosy night in wrappjng presents? Out carol singing around the neighbours houses? Trying not to rattle the festive supplies too much before Santa’s even been?
Well, here’s a better idea: get yrself down to McChuills instead. Why? Because it wouldn’t be Christmas without Captain Nicky’s Loveboat Disco, would it?
Yes, the salty septuagenarian seadog that we all know and love is pulling into our proverbial docks once again for a night of hits, more hits and nothing but the hits as only he can.
Pop in after you do yr last-minute shopping, patch the shopping entirely and make a day/night of it, spend the entire night asking Nicky for requests…whatever floats yr festive boat, McChuills on Christmas Eve is the place to be. Well, that and yr own house with yr family. Both good choices.
But aye. The pub. Christmas Eve. DJ Nicky. You know it makes sense.